But we didn't let that spoil anything!!

Check out that water lying on the ground!

Everybody did so well - smiles all round despite the rain pouring down!

Some didn't even have brollies! But the guests still smiled as they got wet! If you look closely at this shot you can see the rain soaking this happy couple!

Jo arrived - as happy as anything - nothing was going to dampen her day... Good for you Jo!

It was still pouring when we arrived at Wood Hall near Wetherby...

And the wind was blowing!...

I got soaked taking the following shots of Chris & Jo at the front of Wood Hall. It was so wet and windy I couldn't even bring them to the front of the pillars - they had to stay protected in the doorway from the horizontal rain!
I could have done with underwater housings for my two Canon camera's! But the results were well worth the effort especially as it was nearly dark at this point!

The room looked amazing in candlelight...

Chris & Jo had a brilliant band playing some great classics that really got everyone partying into the night.

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