Meanwhile the guests drank champagne on an old London bus!!

Elisa & Jeff live in London but really wanted some wide open scenery for their album as they miss this in the 'big smoke'!
The weather was against us but we just managed to get some great environmental shots before the heavens opened... again!

Elisa wanted a nice photo with her sister - this is my fave of the ones taken...

An embarassing moment during the speeches...

Best man Jason thought it was funny though!

Elisa and her family are very talented and at one point had an impromptu session with the string quartet!

Jeff & best man Jason are glad to be together again as Jason made the 12000 mile trip from New Zealand especially for the wedding!

But the party must go on... and so it did...

And then around 9.30pm the sky suddenly cleared - the happy couple were only too pleased to pop into the field behind the reception party -
Wow! Were we glad we did...

The sky was just amazing; but beleive it or not it was so dark I could hardly see down the viewfinder of my camera! I used a slow shutter to really bring out the dramatic sky.

Thanks to Elisa & Jeff for a wonderful day - and best wishes guys for the future!
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