Faye's mum having a laugh!

Final adjustments...

On with the shoes and we're ready to roll...

Luke arrives at church with best man...

The Guy's!...

The girls...

Big laugh's all round again!

A humorous moment during the ceremony always helps to calm those nerves!

We made a detour for some dreamy field shots... but the lengths we have to go to!! Well done Faye - go for it!

The Woodlands was excellent for all the guests to mill around outside and enjoy their drinks

Mum is obviously delighted with the canapes of mini Fish & Chips...

Off inside for the wedding breakfast...

The cakes were very amusing... and the resemblance was... well... you decide!

In the evening many guests once again spilled outside to enjoy the surroundings

But then it was time to party!

Finally the sky was so amazing these shots just completed a fabulous day...

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